Transpersonal Gestalt

Transpersonal Psychology


Marcela Miguens

Versión en castellano

Marcela Miguens is a pioneer in Gestalt therapy in Argentina and the founder of the first Gestalt educational center in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1978.

She majored in Transpersonal Psychology and Holotropic Breathwork at the GROF TRANSPERSONAL TRAINING INC., in Mill Valley, California.

She also graduated with honors from L'Ecole des Hautes Etudes Sociales in Paris. She has taken graduate courses with Raymond Aaron: Present state of the macrosociological theory (1970); and Claude Levi Strauss: Structural analysis of myths (1971).

She has studied GESTALT with Donald Mosher at Connecticut University, Connecticut, USA.(1975)

At present , from the Transpersonal Gestalt approach ,she is a Human Development Consultant for Companies , Foundations and Institutions .

She also has her private practice where she works with individuals and groups on family conflicts ,patogenic interelations and abuse ..

La Gaceta de la Gestalt On-Line

Marcela Miguens is the editor of a Latinamerican on line Gestalt Journal La Gaceta de la Gestalt On-Line

Gestalt and Resiliency in the Argentine Adversity

Women's Forum

Marcela Miguens is Founder of the Women's Forum ( FORO DE LA MUJER) , an organization that has a membership of seventy professional women who are concerned with the Cultural field and Social Problems of Argentina.


She is founder and  Executive Director of the REDES SOLIDARIAS Foundation. .

Marcela Miguens's activities for 2004.

Marcela Miguens has written the book "GESTALT TRANSPERSONAL, UN VIAJE HACIA LA UNIDAD" ("Transpersonal Gestalt, A Journey towards Wholeness" in Spanish), Editorial Era Naciente/Errepar.(you can get  the book from : Librería Santa Fé

She owns an inn, POUSADA DO SOL, in Buzios, Brazil, now with a fives stars restaurant  "CIGALON" ,run by international chef Sonia Persiani .  The Pousada provides not only lodging, but also hautes cousine lessons and cheese and wine

Marcela Miguens runs Tele-Conferences on Gestalt Therapy and Transpersonal Psychology for UNSAT , a satellite hemispheric network of telecommunications for education, learning and training..

Marcela Miguens member of the GESTALT RESEARCH CONSORTIUM

Marcela Miguens:20 years of Gestalt in Argentina published in Gestalt South America

Marcela Miguens is a member PRACTITIONER of the Association for Holotropic Breathwork International -



Pousada do Sol and Restaurant CIGALON


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