Activities in 2003

20 Years of Gestalt in Argentina

Lecture presented at the Second Gestalt National Conference  in Buenos Aires.

Training in Transpersonal Psychology and Transpersonal Gestalt with Marcela Miguens

Seminar for people coming from all over the country Every first Tuesday of the month
from 4 p.m. to 8p.m.

In Buenos Aires

UNSAT:Gestalt in Satellite University In June Marcela Miguens will give a course on Gestalt through UNSAT.


The Gestalt of Fritz Perl
The most effective way to work on personal development and growth. The New Paradigm in Psychology, Education and Communication.
Gestalt: A Philosophy of life
It deals with the integration body-mind-spirit-emotions and self-regulation of the body.
Basic Tenets
a) Development of Self-Awareness, b) Contact with the here and now, c) Self-responsibility.
Transmitting an activity and an experience
Learning Gestalt is deeply connected to passing on an experience rather than just "knowing the theory". This knowledge can be transferred to many different situations, in the relationship between the patient and the Gestalt Practitioner, between the teacher and the apprentice, between the leader of a company and a government official, and between a group leader and a community leader.
Disruption of contact with reality
The five layers of neurosis: Projection, Introjection, Retroflection, Deflection, and Confluence.
Learning while doing fosters creativity
The therapist, teacher or leader will create situations with what is going on in the group. The so-called "games of Gestalt". Participants will get a chance to take in the fundamentals of Gestalt: contact with now and here, self-awareness, and responsibility.
Gestalt Techniques
Supressive, repressive and integrative techniques. Live presentations of works with different aspects of a person. Working out conflicts on the "empty chair". Working with dreams.

Recommended bibliography:

From April to December
In Buenos Aires, Argentina


We have organized sessions on HOLOTROPIC BREATHWORK AND TRANSPERSONAL GESTALT for small groups. These groups get together every Thursday from 7:00 pm to midnight.

Please make your reservation for one of these groups at least a month in advance.

Phone in Buenos Aires, Argentina: 4815-5636




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